
Project Overview

MyAccount is a portal for Santander Consumer USA’s customers where they can make payments to their vehicle, review their statements and payment history.

Stakeholders requested the MyAccount portal to be redesigned for three reasons: to modernize the look and feel, to reduce customer phone calls from customers calling in about website issues, and to increase customer satisfaction.

My Role

I got assigned to the project as the sole designer but there was no budget for customer recruitment or using a recruiting tool. However, I managed to leverage existing data that was available to me.

I had the opportunity to speak with a CSR who handled customer calls, which gave me insights into the most common inquiries received at the call center.

Additionally, I had access to Google Analytics, which provided valuable information about the frequently visited pages and bounce rate.


I interviewed the CSR’s to understand what they frequently hear from customers calling in about MyAccount issues and sat with them to hear customers calling in about MyAccount.

Additionally, other research methodologigies were used to gather as much data to help me make informed decisions for wireframing.

  • CSR interviews and contextural inquiries

  • Heuristic evaluations on current MyAccount portal

  • Card sorting on menu labels using Usability Hub

  • Click testing on labels and placement

  • Information architecture mapping 

  • Journey map on current and future state

Data Analysis

Calls made to the call center are all captured and types of issues are categorized where I analyzed the data. Results were that they received an average of 75 calls per day about website issues like AutoPay, passwords, and more. 

  • 25% of these calls were about AutoPay

  • 25% were regarding web-related calls such as password reset

  • 50% around general payment inquiries

Website survey responses showed that customers answered ‘No’ (61%) when asked “Did you accomplish what you wanted to?” with regards to Make a Payment. Other complaints were around fees with Western Union.

Google Analytics showed that the majority of the users (79%) viewed the website on their phones, while only 4% viewed it on the desktop and the other 33% viewed the website on their tablet.

Mobile First

Since a majority of users (79%) were logging into the portal with their phones it only made sense that this was designed with mobile-first.

I was in charge of not only designing the authenticated portion of the experience but also the unauthenticated which included the Sign-In and Create Account section of the experience.

I started with low-fidelity wireframes for both mobile and desk to gather feedback from the CSR’s, Compliance & Legal.

Developers were also kept in the loop to ensure that the designs were feasible.

After making changes to their feedback and that they had no other concerns, I then shared it with the VP’s for their approval.


After the wireframes were approved I moved to high-fidelity, implementing Santander Consumer USA’s branding colors and typography.

I introduced new illustrations and animation to give it more life and playfulness into the brand. Unfortunly most were rejected due to the brand guidelines needing to not stray too far from Spain Santander but I still had a lot of fun experimenting.


Loan Origination System